Worms, Germs, and Fleas, Oh My! Understanding Parasite Control.

Our team provides the diagnostics and medicines necessary for the detection and treatment of internal and external parasites. We start testing for internal parasites at a very young age, as individual “worms” can be passed from the mother’s womb to your new puppy or kitten. It is also important to detect and treat these parasites, as some can pass from animals to humans. Kittens and puppies should have at least two stool checks before spaying or neutering. Adult cats and dogs require a stool check once a year. We test annually for canine heartworm disease and can provide you with annual preventive medicine, which treats and protects your dog against internal parasites and fleas. And don’t forget about Mr. Wiskers. We also offer annual preventive flea control for your kittens and cats.

Have questions about our parasite control options? We’re here to help! Submit your question below and a member of our staff will get back to your as soon as possible.